All plants are supplied in 9cm pots.Tall, late, narrow petalled. Height 15cm. Dry shade under trees. Flowers in Jan/Feb.
Unique form with split petals. Tall, partly true from seed. late. Height 15cm. Dry shade under trees. Flowers in Jan/Feb.
Semi-double form with green and yellow petals. Short and true from seed. Height 10cm. Dry shade under trees. Flowers in Jan/Feb.
Fully double form with green and yellow petals. True from seed. Height 15cm. Dry shade under trees. Flowers in Jan/Feb.
Short double and very green form with green True from seed. Height 10cm. Dry shade under trees. Flowers in Jan/Feb.
Good orange flowers. True from seed. Height 10cm. Dry shade under trees. Flowers in Jan/Feb.
Pale Yellow flowers. True from seed. Height 10cm. Dry shade under trees. Flowers in Jan/Feb.
Tall large flowered selection. Height 15cm. Dry shade under trees. Flowers in Jan/Feb.