
All plants are supplied in 9cm pots.
67 Items
Silene dioica 'Valley High'
Sisyrinchium 'Janet Denman'

The flowers are purple in bud and open to a curious mix of brown and pale strawy-orange. They open rather precisely from 2pm to 6pm. The leaves are beautifully striped with cream. Clump-forming and vigorous. 20cm. June to August. Any well-drained soil in sun. A good new variety from Sylvia Hills.

Thymus x citriodorus 'Lime'

Heads of pale pinky-purple flowers in profusion. Fresh green, tiny leaves which are very distinctly scented of lime and not lemon as is more usual. Sub-shrub to 20cm. June/July. Any well-drained soil in sun. A useful addition to nicely scented plants. From Hof van Eext in the Netherlands.

Trifolium Rubens

Many large rich red-purple clover heads produced on an upright bushy plant. Hairy trifoliate leaves. 45-60cm. Any soil in sun. All summer.

Trifolium rubens 'Catharina'
Trifolium rubens 'Catharina'

The large clover flowers are a pure white. Leaves and habit as in the normal dark red form. Hairy trifoliate leaves. 45-60cm. July / August. Any soil in sun. Much-loved by bees.

Trifolium rubens 'Peach Pink'
Trifolium rubens 'Peach Pink'

The large clover flowers are a lovely soft peachy pink with darker highlights. Leaves and habit as in the normal dark red form. Hairy trifoliate leaves. 45-60cm. July / August. Any soil in sun. From seed.

Veronica orientalis 'Purity'

A very unusal form with brilliant pure white flowers. Small green, toothed leaves on wiry stems. Clump-forming. 20cm. May /June and occasionally later. Any soil in sun.
