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All plants are supplied in 9cm pots.A superb form with strongly silver-veined leaves. Relatively narrow leaves and vigorous. Leaves emerge in October/ November. From the plantsman Stephen Taffler.
The completely hardy and very vigorous form long in cultivation. Could be of French origin as I’ve seen nothing like this in Mallorca.
Pink flowers (green reverse) with centres like tussie-mussies. Three-lobed leaves, and a spreading habit although it seems to be slower-running than the usual form. 60-75cm. Any dampish soil in sun or part shade. Summer. This selection is much more vigorous than the normal form. In the wild found in damp grassland and wood margins.
Small, fully double, narrow-petalled, pale pink flowers. Small rosettes of leaves. Clump-forming to 10cm. April to June. Does best in full sun at the edge of border or in a sink. An old cottage garden plant. Needs to be divided regularly.
Pale green aging to golden yellow flowers in abundance on thin upright stems. Green leaves with no purple tints. Clump-forming to 75cm. June/July. Needs full sun and shouldn't be over-fed. A unique green to yellow-flowered selection Joe Sharman made in 2004.
Heads of coppery brown bracts surround the tiny flowers. A unique colour which is slightly more orange than in Tall Bronze. Sun preferred, but will do part shade. Clump forming perennial to 30cm and will seed around.
Very large dark blue flowers which are double but usually only with two sets of petals and therefore open in the middle. Typical leaves. Clumping and running when happy. Vigorous. 75 to 90cm. June /July. Sun or part shade. Joe Sharman named this one for its resemblance to old-fashioned ladies bloomers.
Double flowers in apricot to pink. The early flowers are more orange and the later ones pinker. Stout clumps of greyish-green leaves on purple stems. 60cm. This has the longest flowering season of any Chrysanthemum starting amazingly early in July and still in full flower in September. Well-drained soil in sun. Raised by joe Sharman from seed of the Rubellum types, in the 1990s.
Spectacular, loosely double flowers in bright orange-red with bright yellow tips which enlage as the season goes. Very bushy, not as hardy as some. Fine greyish leaves. 60 - 75 cm. Early Oct to Nov
Many tiny fully double flowers in a very intense magenta. 75cm. November. Bred by Clive Hester.