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Lonicera vesicaria

Rich golden-yellow flowers in clusters in the leaf axils. Dark green hairy leaves. Rich brown bark. Branching upright habit to 2m. Any soil in sun or part shade. June. From Harry Hay. Rare.

Lychnis x walkeri 'Hill Grounds'

Brilliant rose pink flowers produced in long succession in June and July. Densely grey-hairy leaves and stems. Clump-forming. Good perennial to 90cm. Full sun and dry. Found in Janet Cropley's garden in Northamptonshire.

Narcissus 'The O'Mahoney' 'Bowles' Early Sulphur'

Relatively short but very early flowering minature daffodil in sulphur yellow. Occasionally, the flowers can be semi-double. The leaves are relatively green and often have a recurved tip. Very vigorous but rarely offered. Originally, ‘The O’Mahoney’ because Bowles got it from a friend in Ireland, but widely distributed by Bowles and named for him by association.

Omphalodes nitida

Long, loose spikes of bright blue flowers a little smaller than in O. cappadocica. Long, narrow, shiny, dark green, evergreen leaves with brownish petioles. Clump-forming and will seed around. 20-30cm. April to June. Any soil in sun or part shade. Very hardy.

Pachyphragma macrophyllum

Many spikes of pure white, Arabis-like flowers produced to very striking effect. Forms solid clumps of rounded green leaves. Fully evergreen. 30-45cm. Any soil. Especially good in horribly dry, part shade. Seeds around. Will do in the worst spots.

Persicaria microcephala 'Purple Fantasy'

Small heads of pale pink to white flowers produced on very thin stems in the upper leaf axils. The lyrate leaves are amazing with rings of green, brown, purple and brilliant silver. Greener in Summer. Forms large clumps to 75cm. July /August. Damper soil in sun or part shade. When it flowers, or if it threatens to get too big, give it a severe haircut, it won't mind in the slightest. A superb new plant from Bob Brown.

Polemonium 'Idylle'

Heads of large pale blue flowers on upright stems. Forms a loose, open clump of pinnate green leaves. 60 to 75cm. Any soil in part shade. June to August. A superb hybrid from Monique Dronet which has stood the test of time and is much tougher than it looks.

Primula denticulata 'Karryann'

Typical drumstick primula heads in soft purple. The leaves are strongly variegated with cream margins. Forms solid clumps when happy. 30cm. March /April. Damp soils in sun. The odd green reversions should be removed. An unusual form launched by Blooms in the 1970s and which almost disappeared.

I'm a
plant !
Pulmonaria 'Gavin Compton'
Pulmonaria 'Gavin Compton'

Flowers start pink and soon change to a good blue. The leaves start upright and are relatively narrow, they have a narrow creamy-silver edge with the rest of the leaf blade being silver-grey. Clump-forming. 30cm. March / April. Average to damp in part shade. Started as one variegated streak in a leaf. Found by Joe Sharman in the late 1990s and has proved itself very tough.

Ranunculus ficaria 'Angele'
Ranunculus ficaria 'Angele'

double yellow, purple leaves

Ranunculus ficaria 'Graham Joseph'

Large double cream flowers with really rich purple-blue backs. A unique combination. Fully fertile flowers held just above the leaves. 6 cm. Later flowering than some. Leaves almost all green with rare silver flecking. Found by Alan Robinson (at Wisley)

Ranunculus ficaria 'Telegraph Pole'

Amazing leaves, pink, brown, purple

Rhodiola fastigiata
Rhodiola fastigiata

A small clump-forming plant with many upright, green stems each bearing a small cluster of rich, dark red flowers which age to brown in seed. Leaves small, short and pointed. Makes brown trunks above ground looking like a small tree. 10cm. April / May. Any soil in sun but not too dry. One of my most popular plants.

Rhodiola heterodonta

Terminal custers of curious coppery-pink flowers. Upright, deciduous stems with many jagged-edged, purply-blue-green leaves. Solid clumps. 20cm. March. Well-drained soil in sun. Disappears early.

Rhodiola kirilowii

Flat heads of bright orange flowers aging to brown. Narrow, pointed, dark green leaves set along the deciduous stems. Makes a large swollen rootstock. 20cm. April / May. Any soil in sun but not too dry. Very slow to increase and difficult to propagate.

Rosa 'Katharina Zeimet'
Rosa 'Mme. Jules Thibaud'

Rosa 'Mme. Jules Thibaud

Rosa x odorata 'Crimson Bengal'
Rosa x odorata 'Crimson Bengal'

Many, large, brilliant dark red single flowers. Glaucous leaves and stems. Shrub to 2m. From May to frosts. Any soil in sun. Can be cut to the floor by minus 10C but it always sprouts again. Syn. 'Sanguinea'

Rosa x odorata 'Semperflorens' Syn. Miss Wilmott's double crimson china

Many fully double, brilliant rich red flowers. Smaller greener but purple-tinted leaves than the above. Fine stems. Shrub to 1m. From May to frosts. Any soil in sun. Can be cut to the floor by minus 10C but it always sprouts again. To us from Graham Thomas.

Rubus spectabilis 'Olympic Double'

Large, very double, magenta purple flowers followed by edible red berries. Fresh green lobed leaves. Attractive brown canes which are slightly bristly. 120-150cm. May/ June. Any soil in sun or part shade. Running in damper soils.

Salix alba 'Aurea'

More of a shrub than a tree and much less vigorous. The stems are yellowish green at first becoming more orange later. Leaves are distinctly yellow. 6ft. 180cm.

Salvia 'Blue Ice'
flowers in the shrubby microphylla/gregii/lycioides group. Small leaves. Shrub to 1m. From May to frosts. Well-drained soil in sun. Cut back hard in late Spring to keep neat. Very strong shoots can also be tipped. From Shirley Palmer of Homestead Plants.

Salvia 'Nachtvlinder'
Salvia 'Nachtvlinder'
Salvia rutilans 'Scarlet Pineapple'
Salvia rutilans 'Scarlet Pineapple'
Scabiosa 'Miss Havisham'

Large double flowers which start a curious shade of green and gently mature through bizarre pinky-green to purple pink. Softly-hairy greeny-greyish, divided leaves. Basal leaves are entire. Semi-shrubby to 40cm. June to October. Well-drained soil in sun. Not fully hardy.

Scutellaria suffrutescens 'Texas Rose'

Soft red flowers produced in long succession. Densely twiggy plant with small, rounded green leaves. Small bushlet to 25cm. Well-drained soil in sun.

Silene dioica 'Ray's Golden'

Bright red-purple flowers on this variant of red campion. The leaves are a brilliant golden yellow but greener in deeper shade. Large, much-branched perennial. 75 to 90cm. May to July. Any soil in part shade. Can scorch if too sunny.

Silene dioica 'Trematon'

Smaller, bright red-purple flowers on this variant of red campion. The leaves are a marbled mix of green, cream, pink and yellow, especially when growing strongly. In winter, they can become a rich purple. Much-branched perennial. 60 to 75cm. May to July. Any soil in sun or part shade. From the eponymous village in 2011.

Silene dioica 'Valley High'
Sisyrinchium 'Janet Denman'

The flowers are purple in bud and open to a curious mix of brown and pale strawy-orange. They open rather precisely from 2pm to 6pm. The leaves are beautifully striped with cream. Clump-forming and vigorous. 20cm. June to August. Any well-drained soil in sun. A good new variety from Sylvia Hills.

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